Summer is the time of year for fun cookouts and pool parties. Have you ever had plans to throw a huge pool party only to wake up that morning to a green murky pool? This is a very common problem in the hot summer months since the heat and sunlight create prime conditions for algae to rear its ugly head. Algae can form quickly overnight spoiling your plans leaving you roasting in the sun without relief!
How can you avoid this awful problem? There are many steps that you need to be take to keep your pool clear from algae all summer long. Proper pool maintenance is the key! This Old House’s how to site has some interesting points to consider. Here is what we recommend:
Weekly pool maintenance to avoid algae infestation includes the following:
- Emptying skimmer basket.
- Vacuuming pool at least once a week.
- Checking water levels.
- Visually checking water clarity and color.
- Skimming all debris such as leaves or bugs.
- Testing and adjusting water chemicals as needed making sure they are balanced at all times.
- Backwashing and cleaning the filter as needed.
Keeping the chemicals balanced at all times is very important. If the PH is too high and chlorine is not high enough, algae can bloom rapidly. Keep it the clean by vacuuming and brushing the pool often can prevent bacteria from harboring and algae from forming.
Pool maintenance can be very time consuming and may seem like a full time job when problems arise. Pool maintenance costs can also skyrocket when these problems are not properly taken care of. If you would rather spend the summer enjoying your pool instead of spending all of your time maintaining it, check out our summer maintenance programs. We can cover all the bases from opening & maintaining, to dosing the pool, leaving you with sparkling blue water through the entire summer season.