Swim-Mor Pools and Spas offers a variety of swimming pool tile and coping services for all pools. Pool tile and coping are very important for every pool not only for the looks appeal, but structurally. Pool tile and coping can fade, crack and loosen over time so it is important to have strong pool tile and coping.
Pool tile is usually used around the interior perimeter of the pool at the water line. Swimming pool tile ranges in size from 1″x1″ to the 6″x6″ and comes in a variety of textures. Some pools have tile around the perimeter of the pool, others have it on the floor, on steps, and throughout the entire pool. Whether it is just replacing tiles, getting new tiles, or repairing tiles, Swim-Mor can help. Ceramic tiles, tumbled stone, glass tiles, etc. can all be repaired or replaced for most any pool.
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